Good evening everyone, I pray you are all having a blessed evening.
Prayer List is as follows:
KCOQFS-Rick-Leg problems., also KEOFOT-Cody-foot problems.
Hailey-Adenoid surgery in March.
AA0GB-Paul Sleep schedule adjustment.
KD0QCU-Norvil-His Brother Charles’s wife passed and he is moving to an apartment.
AD0FT-Alan-Nephew, Greg, Lung transplant.
N0TZB-Ralph-Prayer that his wife gets out of wheelchair.
KE0FEC-Frank-Prayer to quit smoking, and also pray for his niece, Amber and Daughter.
N0NOE-Bill-Prayer for John White family who lost a little girl.
KB0ETI-Leroy-Eye surgery.
KD0GOK-Don-Flying safety.
KD0JVE-Paul Thacker-Battling Cancer.
Jeff Keesley-Brain Tumor.
Steve Carroll-Lymphoma-Doing better.
Dean, Debbie and families.
Ray, Cory, Autumn, Katie and servicemen and women everywhere.
Our Country-Persecuted Christians and Presidential election.
Thank you all, God bless and see you next week, GOD WILLING.