As many of you know, the Missouri Legislature is currently considering House Bill 1951, the Missouri Amateur Radio Parity Act. This bill will allow Hams to at least have a voice and a discussion with HOAs that prevent exterior antennas for home owners. The bill has already passed the House and is currently going to Senate committee tomorrow, April 19, 2016. The committee hearing will be held in Senate Committee Room 1 of the Missouri Capitol building at 2 P.M. It is imperative that we get as many hams as possible to attend this committee meeting to voice their support for HB 1951. This will probably be our only chance to show the committee how important this is to us. A good showing is really important. Please attend this meeting if you can and pass the word to as many other hams in area. I know this is late notice for such an important thing, but lets turn out as much support as we can!