Good evening to all:
Prayer List is as follows:
KD0JVC-Sandra’s Grandson’s friend, jarren, Cancer of the leg, had amputation and not doing well.
KC0QFS-Rick-Pray for Vivian’s Mother-in-Law.
KB0DOG-Jerry’s wife is having knee and hip problems.
KD0PEV-Jason’s Mom
KC0QFS-Ricks friend, Roger diagnosed with Brain Cancer. Also please pray for Rick’s Leg problems.
N0NOE’S friend Dee, with some decisions she needs prayer to make.
KB0ETI-Leroy doing better at last report following eye surgery.
KE0FEC-Frank asked for prayer for his niece, Amber and her Daughter.
Leanna-Still in Hospice, but doing better.
KD0JVE-Paul Thacker- Battling Cancer.
Jeff Keesley-Brain Tumor-Not doing well.
Dean, Debbie and families.
Ray, Cory, Autumn, Katie and all Servicemen and Women around the World.
Israel-Our Country and all the persecuted Christians around the World.
I want to wish everyone a Blessed, Safe, week. Thank you all.
See you next Monday GOD WILLING. N0PAH-Betty.