Good evening to everyone,
Prayer List is as follows:
KC0JEL-Cathy’s Aunt Donna has severe Pancreatitus and is doing badly, please keep her in your prayers.
N0TZB-Ralph is having trouble breathing and his wife also needs prayer.
KD0JVC-Grandson’s friend, Jarren has cancer of the leg. had leg amputated-not doing well.
KB0DOG-Jerry’s wife having knee and hip problems.
KC0QFS-Friend, Roger-Brain Tumor, not doing well, also pray for Rick’s legs.
N0NOE-Bill’s friend, Dee, making some hard decisions and dealing with problems with her young Son,
KB0ETI-Leroy-Doing better with eye surgery.
Leanna-Still in Hospice, at last report was doing better.
KD0JVE-Paul Thacker-Cancer-Hope he is doing a lot better.
Jeff Keesley-Brain Tumor, at last report wasn’t doing well.
Dean, Debbie and families.
Ray, Cory, Autumn, Katie and Servicemen and Women everywhere.
Israel, Our Country and all persecuted Christians everywhere.
Please keep the Dawson family that lost everything in a tornado at Bourbon in your prayers. If you would like to donate anything to them, you can do this at Clark’s Pharmacy in Bourbon or Sullivan.
Thank you all, have a blessed, safe week. N0PAH-Betty-Net Control.