Call to order, Pledge of Allegiance, prayer, and moment of silence for the silent keys.
Approval of minutes from the last meeting, finances and old business.
It was decided that Facebook would be open and not private.
For now we will stay with our current bank. We now have a debit card and have online banking setup.
Mesh Network news is postpones due to illness.
AARL Club Affiliation- It was deemed that there aren’t enough club members that are AARL members.
Repeater Updated- Controller is ready. Need to schedule a work day. Need to analyze the antenna. Chris to contact Boast to set up a time. Need network access.
Discussed setting up a PayPal account so members can pay their dues online. Bill made the mothing, Rick second and the motion passed.
It was discussed to get Boast a $50 gift card. Jim made the motion, Rick second and the mothing passed.
The Christmas party door prizes are going to be a 50/50 drawing, a free test, a free year membership, and a calendar.
Meeting adjourned.