Good evening and God bless each and everyone.
Prayer List is as follows:
N0KDB-Ruth’s Daughter, Julie, needs prayer, not doing well.
My Sis, Bonnie, going for tests for Malignancy.
AA0GB-Paul lost a friend, please remember him and his family.
N0NOE-Bill and Auntie M. need prayer for financial difficulties, please pray for them.
KD0PEV-Jason’s Mom.
KE0FEC-Frank-Back problems.
KC0QCU-Norvil-Lung transplant.
N0NOE-Bill’s Daughter, Kristen having health issues due to Gall bladder surgery.
KC0LIR-Clinton-Stage 5 kidney failure and leg problems.
N0TZB-Ralph’s wife, Barbara.
KC0JEL-Cathy’s Aunt Donna, Pancreatitis
Dean, Debbie and their families.
Ray, Cory, Katie and all Servicemen and Women everywhere.
Israel, Our Country, New President and Cabinet-Terrorism around the world-Persecuted Christians-and all our Policemen everywhere.
Thanks to everyone, please have a safe rest of the week, will see you next Monday-GOD WILLING. God bless all, N0PAH-Betty.
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