Good evening to all:
Prayer List is as follows:
Congratulations are in order for our new Club President, N0NOE-Bill and our new Club Vice President, KE0FEC-Frank. They both requested our prayers for the jobs they have taken on. We all know that they will do a terrific job. God bless them.
KB0ETI-Leroy’s wife, Diane is having tests run, remember her.
KD0JVB-Barb-Pancreas problems and tests for Liver.
KE0JWK-Carl’s Son, Chris, was scheduled for surgery, I pray that he is doing o.k.
W0MCS-Dave’s Mom
KD0JVF-Chris’s Mom.
KC0LIR-Clinton-Dialysis and leg problems.
KD0MPE-Eric and Hailey.
N0KDB-Ruth’s Daughter, Julie.
Dean, Debbie and families.
AA0FR-Jay-Having trouble with short time memory and nervousness, we covet your prayers.
Ray, Cory, Katie and all our Servicemen and Women everywhere.
Israel, Our Country, President Trump and his cabinet, Terrorism, Persecuted Christians, and our Policemen and all who have been struck by any and all disasters. Let’s all pray for each other. Thank you, God bless all, have a safe week. See you next Monday-GOD WILLING-Goodnight-N0PAH-Betty.