Good evening to all:
Prayer Lis is as follows:
Please Keep KC0QFS, Rick, KE0FOT-Cody and all their families in your prayer as they lost a loved one.
KB0ETI-Leroy’s wife Diane is going through some surgery, so please pray for her and also for Leroy.
KD0JVB-Barb, was having some pancreas problems and they were going to see about her liver at last report.
W0MCS-Dave’s Mom is going through Chemo treatments, please keep her in your prayers.
KC0LIR-Clinton-Dialysis and leg problems.
KD0MPE-Eric and Hailey.
Dean, Debbie and families.
Ray, Cory, Katie and all our Servicemen and Women around the World.-Israel-Our Country-President Trump and his Cabinet-Terrorism-Persecuted Christians-and all our Policemen everywhere.
Thank you all, God bless you. See you next Monday-GOD WILLING.N0PAH-Betty.