Today the node was put into place to make the club’s 440 machine directly available to the AllStar Link network. The node number for this repeater is 44011. If you are using any of the AllStar access methods, this is the node number you will need to know.
We believe we have the node stable and we welcome you to connect to it at will. We will continue to be doing some tuning on the node over the next several weeks. If you have any observations or suggestions, please just let us know here or on the air.
My thanks to Paul Barber, who has been so helpful and so generous in volunteering his shack for the location of these nodes. We plan to move them away from that location in the fairly near term, but these AllStar nodes would not be live and functional if it were not for his knowledge and council! Thank you, Paul, I could not have done this without you!
Please feel free to enjoy the features that the nodes now provide you. We will be adding more features and such to both nodes as time allows!
Bill Higgins