Field Day 2020 will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 27th and 28th. The Sullivan Amateur Radio Club will be holding our Field Day event at the property of Chris Williams, which is located off highway FF in Crawford County. (See map and directions below!) Signs will be posted on the roads leading you to the site. We will have free food and drink, so bring your friends and family. Please bring a covered dish to share with others if you can. Also, plan to get on the air if you’d like to!. Even if you’ve never talked on a radio, we’ll help you. Come join us and share in the fun!
Talk in on 146.805 repeater.
Saturday 9:00 am – Setup begins
Saturday Noon – Luncheon
Saturday 1:00 – VE Testing begins
Saturday 1:00 – Field Day Contest begins
Sunday Noon – Field Day Contest ends
The ground there is somewhat uneven and there is a bit of a hill, so please wear appropriate clothing and shoes. There will be shade available in the form of pop-up canopies, plenty of water to drink, and fans to make sure there is a breeze. There will also be a porta-potty on site.
Watch for the signs. There will be signs posted directing you to the Field Day site.
Coming from the East – Take the South Service Rd of Interstate 44 out of Sullivan to the west until you come to Highway FF. Turn left and follow FF south to Ferris Rd. Bear left onto Ferris Rd. which will eventually make a sharp left and then in a bit, a sharp right. Keep right at the fork (sharp right) and proceed to Field Day on the left.
Coming from the West – Exit Interstate 44 at the Bourbon exit and take the South Service Rd. (Historic Route 66) east out of Bourbon. Follow this all the way to Highway FF and make a right. Follow FF south to Ferris Rd. Bear left onto Ferris Rd. which will eventually make a sharp left and then in a bit, a sharp right. Keep right at the fork (sharp right) and proceed to Field Day on the left.