Sullivan Amateur Radio Club
Meeting was opened with Pledge of Allegiance, prayer, and moment of silence for silent keys.
Minutes from the previous meeting were read. The Treasurer report was read with an ending balance of $988.69. Dave Johnson made a motion to approve both of these. it was second by Frank Faherty. A vote was take by the attending club members and it passed.
Old Business
Repeater Committee- The Committee consisted of John McReynolds, Chris Westrick, Bill Higgins, and Mark Ervine. The committee took the time to learn what all the repeater can do so it can be used to the fullest potential. The repeater now has the ability to have messages in it to remind people of such things as NETS and upcoming meeting and events. The next time you see John be sure to think him for all the hard work he has done to get the repeater up and working.
HARN is due to be completed on April 9th. At first no one volunteered to go but Wayne Durbin spoke up and said that he would go.
New Business
The second annual VHF day will take place on April 17th from 2pm till 4pm. Take any 2-meter radio anywhere outside and make as many contacts as possible. Two prices will be awarded this year. One for top scoring FM station only and one for the top scoring mixed mode station.
The first annual SARC Family Fun Day will take place at Meramec State Park at shelter #3. Start time is at noon, food will be served at 1pm and games to follow.
Bill Higgins suggested we do an outreach to former ,members. He will write the letter and Paul Barber will hand deliver the letters. Paul will reach for help if needed.
Field day is June 26th and 27th at Mark Ervines house. We will need tables and chairs. Dave Johnson will do the fish fry if he doesn’t have to work. We will have one port-o-pot that the club will pay for. what modes are people planning to use?
The next Knucklehead Lunch will be held at Skippy’s in Leasburg on April 12th at noon.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Frank Faherty and motion was second by Jeff Hofstra. Motion passed.
Thanks to Terri Booth for sharing the minutes.