January 13, 2022
Sullivan Amateur Radio Club
The January 2022 club meeting began at 6:09 PM at Sullivan Fire House #5.
The Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer and Moment of Silence for Silent Keys were observed.
No minutes from the previous meeting were available since it had been the Christmas Party.
Treasurers Report: Was presented by Bill Higgins since our treasurer, Mark Ervine, was out sick. The current checking account balance is $1039.06. It was also mentioned that we are are currently accepting membership dues for 2022.
Introductions were made around the room. A survey of various ham interests was passed out to all present.
Repeater Committee Report: Two work days are scheduled for January 25th and 26th. The goals of these work days include Tone Board operations and Controller changes which include reducing volume on repeater identifier.
Old Business:
A gift from the club was purchased by John McReynolds for Jerrod Boast in appreciation for all he has done assisting the club last year. A motion was made by Paul Barber to reimburse John for the purchase, seconded by Dave Johnson – motion passed.
Margaret Emily moved to reimburse Bill Higgins for the grill purchased for and presented to Fire House #5 in appreciation for letting us use their facilities for our meetings. Dave Johnson seconded the motion – passed.
New Business:
Bill Higgins announced the first Knuckle-head dinner scheduled for 7:00 PM, January 18, 2022 at the Sirloin Stockade in Rolla. All are encouraged to attend.
Winterfest was discussed. Scheduled for January 22, 2022, Bill Higgins is getting advance tickets for those interested, upon request. Plans are to caravan after meeting at 5:15AM at Flying J in Sullivan. We will travel to Bob Evans restaurant in Collinsville, IL at 7:15 AM for breakfast before proceeding to the convention center. Our traveling frequency will be 147.50 simplex. Lunch at Bandana’s is tentatively planned for around noon. Chris Williams has reserved two tables for items we wish to sell. Jason Pope will help man the table. All items should arrive properly tagged with price and pertinent information. We were reminded that masks will be required at the door.
Winter Field Day: Scheduled for January 29th and 30th this year. Dave Johnson has secured the Eagles Nest building located next to the Eagles hall on Acid Mine Road. It was suggested that Dave be reimbursed for the $75.00 deposit/rental that he has already paid for the facility. Discussion ensued regarding the number of radios being brought – there were 7 people who indicated they might bring a radio. Also, food was discussed – chili, bbq beef, desserts and drinks were volunteered. Paul Barber also indicated that his wife, Robin, would be making her famous breakfast casserole for Sunday morning.
Further new business:
New club member, Jim Rhodes, was introduced. He promoted a county-wide emergency exercise (simplex and digital) scheduled for Saturday, March 5th in Franklin County. It is open to participation.
Bill Higgins mentioned that we are having trouble staffing the HARN exercise. It is scheduled for the second Friday of each month. Dave Johnson is the acting coordinator for our club and needs volunteers. We were reminded of the importance of keeping our pledge to perform this community service.
Paul Barber made a motion to adjourn seconded by Dave Johnson – motion passed.
Respectively submitted,
Barbra Durbin,