Sullivan Amateur Radio Club
July 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes
The July 2022 club meeting was called to order at the Sullivan Fire House #5 at 6:09 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer and Moment of Silence were observed.
The minutes from the previous meeting were not available.
The Treasurers report of a current checking account balance of $1369.58 was offered by Mark Irvine. Dave Johnson made a motion to purchase a gift card for $100.00 from Sybil’s Restaurant and a cash reimbursement of $50.00 to cover electric on Field Day for our hosts, Mark and Anne Irvine. It was seconded by Paul Barber. Motion carried. Paul Barber also made a motion to reimburse money spent on ice cream ($40.00) and dry ice ($15.00) furnished for Field Day by the club and picked up by Barb Durbin. John McReynolds seconded the motion and it passed.
An incident with the repeater being off due to a carrier being on in error was discussed with a reminder for us all to be aware of how easily this could happen and our personal responsibility to check our own equipment when an incident like this does happens to avoid prolonged disruption.
Old Business:
John McReynolds reported from the Repeater Committee there had been a minor power pole repair and that the tone board needs re-cabled and reinstalled. Committee is working on that.
Gun Raffle: All tickets are not sold yet. We need to increase efforts to have all tickets sold and ready to draw by next meeting. Jim Rhodes suggested we might try to sell some at our tables at the Washington Hamfest, Sunday July 17th. Barb Durbin volunteered to make a poster for that event.
Pig Roast/Luau: Current date was discussed, difficult for many to attend. Terri Booth suggested that we might combine it with our Family Fun Day currently scheduled for October 1st. Also discussed location of this event. We are already registered with Meramec State Park for that day. Jeff Hofstra made a motion to combine both events at the State Park, seconded by Mark Irvine. Motion passed.
CPR/First Aid Course: Interest has been shown by members for a basic First Aid and CPR class. The possibility of including the Zero Beaters of Washington and the Pacific club were discussed. Will need an estimate of those wanting to attend. 11 of those there tonight are interested with an estimate of 8 from Pacific. Dave Johnson will follow up. He has already made inquiries with the Fire Department.
A reminder that club elections are coming up next month. We will be voting on all four officers and a director to replace one currently retiring.
Mention was made of intended Zoom meeting including Bob Heil. Dave Johnson is following up with the Fire Department to permit us to use their electronic equipment for this purpose for our September meeting. Will hopefully know by next meeting so we can contact Bob Heil and see if he is available.
POTA: Bee Shuffelfield intends to activate Meramec State Park on August 23rd. It will be at the Dining Lodge area and all are encouraged to attend.
Two purchased towers are still standing at Billy Dickens’ property and need to be taken down. A crew of at least 4 people and possibly a bucket truck will be needed. John McReynolds will form a group on Signal to schedule a date for that.
Field Day post-mortem: Heat played an important role in this year’s activities. Several members became ill from the intense heat. It is a major factor we need to consider for next year to avoid this situation. Dave Johnson said we are on the schedule to use the Meramec State Park Hickory Ridge Center for next year. It will be determined later if there will be any charges or fees associated with this. Also mentioned is the need to be diligent in safeguarding our Field Day food from any harmful effects of the weather. It was suggested that we have a safety officer that includes that as part of the duties.
The Repeater Committee, after discussion, will work toward setting Paul Barber up with access to shut down our repeater since he is the member closest to it’s location.
HARN activities have been cancelled for the month of July as reported by Dave Johnson.
Steelville Repeater has a temporary antenna that is working well for now. We will leave it as is until other plans are made by Brandon Brown.
A reminder of the Knucklehead Dinner next Tuesday, July 19th was made. Reservations have been made and we will move the start time to 6:00 PM since they close at 8:00.
John McReynolds made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mike Benton – motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Durbin