Beginning the upcoming Thursday we’re going to hold a weekly net on the 805 repeater at 8 pm. Sullivan amateur radio club is going to host this net which will be open to all of the radio community members non-members. The net will provide a place to socialize, pose any questions concerning radio, share any information concerning the hobby, or talk about anything on your mind. There will be a weekly topic however participants can talk about whatever is on their mind should they choose. The topic for the first week will be our stations sharing what equipment, antennas, future changes,etc.
Again if there’s something else you want to share as long as it’s not too controversial your time on the air is your time. This will give us all an opportunity to socialize get to know one another better and solve any problems we might be having with our stations.
Again we will be calling it The fellowship net it will be held weekly on Thursdays at 8:00 p.m.