As of Tuesday, March 27th, 2017, we have removed the AllStarLink controller and put back the CAT200B controller that was originally on the repeater. That action has cleaned up the audio related issues that we have been experiencing. Clearly, we have issues to work out before we try to move forward with AllStarLink again. The audio problems are gone now, but we have given up Echolink connectivity, AllStarLink connectivity, and the streaming audio for the repeater.
On that Tuesday, we have done some more analysis of the repeater system and have discovered that we do have two issues with the coax and antenna subsystem. We need to coordinate some time with our host to allow us to get access to the parts of the system that aren’t normally very accessible. We will be coordinating that as soon as possible.
I want to thank everyone for their patience as we’ve attempted to take a big step forward. I know that you all are frustrated, as am I! Apparently it was too large a step, but I’m not giving up on it at all. We have a plan going forward to correct the now known issues with the repeater, and also to move the AllStarLink project forward as well.
Bill Higgins