Gun raffle was a success. After paying John McReynolds for the gun we made $510. Pam Clark was the winner. The club talked about doing a raffle two or three times a year to raise funds.
The repeater is back from Springfield thanks to our President who drove to Springfield to get it. Jerry Waelterman did the research for all the parts needed to get the repeater up and running. He gave a report and handed a sheet regarding this. The total cost is $1011. John McReynolds made a motion to get the parts, Terri Booth second the motion and the motion passed. Bill Higgins is going to talk to Don Koch to see if he wants to be involved in getting the repeater up and running.
Bill Higgins has a repeater that he will sell the club for a backup repeater for $300.
Field Day is coming up on June 24 and 25. There was a discussion on if we want to have it at City Lake again or go to Meramec State Park and if at the State Park do we want to do it in the camp ground or Hickory Ridge conference center. Someone has offered to pay for a couple of campsites for us. A vote was made for the campgrounds at the state park. A Frank Faherty is going to do a fish fry. John McReynolds has offered to bring his campers down. It should be fun for everyone. Come down and join us!