Meeting was called to order, Pledge of Allegiance was said, Bill Higgins said a prayer, and there was a moment of silence for the silent keys.
Business from the last meeting was read and approved.
Current financial report is $459.58
There was a lengthy discussion about the problems with the repeater. It is still having poor quality and poor range problems. For now it was decided to buy new cables. John McReyolds first the motion and Barbara Seinfeld second the motion, and the motion passed. Chris Westrick is checking into the price of the cables.
We elected a new President, Bill Higgins. Due to him being elected as our President we had to elect a new Vice President and we elected Frank Faherty. Please welcome both of them to their new positions!
It is time for us to pay our equipment insurance again. Chris Westrick and John McReynolds are going to check the equipment and make sure that we aren’t paying insurance on equipment that we are no longer using and add and new equipment.
The secretary requested the funds to purchase a recorder to be able to record the meetings. Motion first by John McReynolds, second by Jim Spencer, motion passed.
Frank Faherty talked about the North American QSO party and about the Missouri QSO that is coming up April 1st and 2nd. He’s hoping to have the Missouri QSO at the State Park.
Next Meeting is March 9th.