Good evening to everyone, Prayer List is as follows: KE0FEC-Franks friend, Loyd’s Dad. Angie-My niece. KC0QFS-Rick. KB0ETI-Leroy’s...
Tomorrow’s scheduled maintenance has been postponed. Stay tuned here for updates. Bill Higgins N0NOE
The 146.805 repeater will be down for maintenance and testing from 10:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. on...
Good evening to all: Prayer List is as follows: KE0FEC’S-friend, Loyd’s Dad. KC0QFS-Rick. KB0ETI-Leroy’s wife, Diane. KD0JVB-Barb....
KE0FEC-Frank requested prayer for his friend, Loyd and his Father-Loyd Senior. KB0TIC-Skip’s wife, Patty, not feeling well,...