February 13, 2025

Club Nets

The Good News Net

Mondays @ 7:00 p.m. This net is hosted by Betty, N0PAH, and she would love to hear your good news. She also takes prayer requests. So if you have anything on your heart that needs prayer, pass it on and she (along with others listening) will be more than willing to pray for it.

The Midnight Knucklehead Net

Every Sunday through Thursday evening starting around 11:00 pm, Paul, AA0GB, calls to order the Midnight Knucklehead Net.  This is a very informal gathering of people who like to stay up late and rag chew!  Please feel free to join us as we cut up and carry on, sometimes till the wee small hours of the morning!

The 444 Net

Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m. This net hosted by Frank, KE0FDC is performed on the 444.600 repeater.  The topics vary widely so tune in, check in and enjoy!

The Fellowship Net

Wednesday at 7 P.M. on the 146.805 Repeater. Topics vary, everyone welcome, and can’t wait to hear you all!

Sullivan Area Weather Net

During times when Sullivan and/or the surrounding area is under the gun for severe weather, the Sullivan Area Weather Net will be activated.  This net will be called on the 444.600 repeater, with the 146.805 repeater linked in as needed.  Click here for more detailed information.