March 8, 2025

Sullivan Area Weather Net

Click here for PDF of Weather Net Procedures and Log

When the weather situation warrants it, this net will be activated on the 146.805 – (currently no tone) repeater.

The current weather net NCS team consists of:

  • Paul Barber, AA0GB

However, ANYONE can initiate and call this net! We expect for this to happen should a member of the NCS team not be available.  Once an NCS team member comes up on frequency, control of the net will be transferred over to them.

Current Weather Net Procedure

PREAMBLE: ATTENTION ALL STATIONS. ATTENTION ALL STATIONS. This is (your Callsign, Name, Location), your Net Control Station for the Sullivan Area Weather Net. The Sullivan Area Weather Net is now placed in (See Below) STATUS. (Read a description of Status below)

STANDBY STATUS: Severe weather is possible in the area. Amateurs should watch for signs of severe weather and monitor the 146.805 repeater for further updates. There is currently no tone on this repeater. Normal activity on this repeater is allowed, however, stations should keep all transmissions short to allow for break-ins. This is (your call sign), Net Control, out.

ACTIVE STATUS: Severe weather is (present or imminent) in this area. Amateurs are asked to actively search for signs of severe weather and provide appropriate reports to Net control. This is a directed net and all stations are asked to transmit only when recognized by Net Control. Only Stations with legitimate severe weather reports, or emergency traffic should break into this net.

The only reports to be made are reports of tornadoes on the ground, funnel clouds, wall clouds, hail (any size), winds 35 mph or greater, flooding and other actual storm damage (OR REPORTS AS DIRECTED BY THE NWS). Reports not meeting these criteria should not be passed unless specifically requested by Net Control. This is (your call sign), Net Control out.

EMERGENCY STATUS: A state of emergency exist in the area due to (State nature of actual emergency, i.e., Tornado touch down, River flooding, etc.,). This a directed net. Net Control has ABSOLUTE CONTROL of the net. Transmissions on the repeater are PROHIBITED, unless made in response to a call by Net Control, or having life or death urgency. All Amateurs should monitor the repeater for additional instructions. This is (your call sign), Net Control out.

CONTINUITY ANNOUNCEMENT: (Read at least every 10 minutes) ATTENTION ALL STATIONS. ATTENTION ALL STATIONS. This is (your Callsign, Name, Location), Net Control Station for the Sullivan Area Weather Net. A severe weather net is in (See Above) Status at this time. (Read a description of Status above)

TO SECURE THE NET: ATTENTION ALL STATIONS. ATTENTION ALL STATIONS. This is (your call sign), Net Control Station for the Sullivan Area Weather Net. We wish to thank all stations for their participation in this Severe Weather Net and the owner of the 146.805 MHz Repeater. The help is greatly appreciated. This net is secure at (time) local time. This is (your call sign) out.


  • Remind operators to use Safe Operating Practices at all times
  • Read actual NWS bulletin of event if available
  • Maintain log of all events including time, date, location and station reporting